- What were the essential elements of the LEAP model?
- What social-emotional learning SEL tools and strategies were being used by LEAP members?
- How were tools employed?
- How effective were tools in building SEL skills in children?
- The classroom observations demonstrated that all of the LEAP core strategies or tools were implemented, with direct intervention and modeling being the most common technique.
- Interviewed LEAP members and classroom teachers valued the LEAP program and linked children’s growth in social and emotional skills to the LEAP program.
- Experience in the LEAP program seemed to strengthen the extent to which the LEAP member implemented the program.
- While all core strategies were observed, MindUp lesson implementation was inconsistent across sites.
- The lack of understanding about LEAP members’ and teachers’ roles interfered with the integration of SEL into the classroom.
- Building positive relationships is essential for success.
- The value of the MindUp lesson implementation could be enhanced by improving the language and classroom activities to be age appropriate.
Full report
Further information
Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation