Hope Family Health Center (HFHC), provides free medical, counseling, and case management services to uninsured individuals in the Rio Grande Valley. The Sí Texas HOPE program is an enhanced integrated behavioral health (IBH) model. HFHC began implementing the program into its practice to improve the health status of uninsured patients living at or below 200% of the federal poverty level in December 2015.
Study Goals:
The study involved an impact evaluation and implementation evaluation:
  • The impact evaluation compared participants receiving the enhanced IBH with nonparticipants receiving usual care. This was specific to uninsured individuals living at or below the 200% poverty line.
  • The implementation evaluation focused on measuring the level of program services provided and quality of services the intervention group received. It also explored whether the nonparticipants received similar program services.
Research Questions:
The study included several confirmatory and exploratory research questions. It also included evaluation questions focused on program implementation. Sample research questions include:
  • Are patients who receive the enhanced IBH model of care more likely to reduce their blood pressure compared to nonparticipants receiving usual care?
  • Are patients who receive the enhanced IBH model of care more likely to improve their quality of life compared to nonparticipants receiving usual care?
  • Did HFHC’s program reach its intended target population?
  • What level of IBH did HFHC achieve as a result of implementing the program?
The study found the following:
  • A statistically significant positive impact of the program on depression symptoms.
  • The Sí Texas HOPE Program successfully implemented their integrated health program with fidelity to the program model and reached the target population.
For more information, download the full report and report brief.

Further information

Sí Texas HOPE Program
Implementing Organization
Hope Family Health Center

Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.

AmeriCorps Program(s)
Social Innovation Fund
Age(s) Studied
26-55 (Adult)
Study Type(s)
Study Design(s)
Experimental (RCT)
Level of Evidence
Health Resources in Action, Inc.
Published Year
Study Site Location (State)