At the completion of service, AmeriCorps members are invited to complete the Member Exit Survey (MES). This report presents data related to measures associated with civic engagement from the MES for years 2017 to 2021. “Civic Engagement” is one of the four pathways (alongside Cultural Competency, Getting Things Done, and Life and Career Skills) that articulate the AmeriCorps member theory of change. 

Study Goals

Understand and compare across years how members in AmeriCorps State and National, AmeriCorps NCCC, and AmeriCorps VISTA see themselves in relation to civic engagement. 


AmeriCorps members report:

  • High levels of community engagement
  • Engagement with social and political issues 
  • High levels of confidence to address community concerns, and 
  • High levels of attachment and obligation to their communities. 
  • Varying levels of trust in institutions (public schools, media, corporations) 
  • Tend to vote at higher levels than similarly-aged people nationally 

Brief: Spotlight on Civic Engagement

Further information

Implementing Organization
AmeriCorps Office of Research and Evaluation
AmeriCorps Program(s)
AmeriCorps NCCC
AmeriCorps State and National
AmeriCorps VISTA
Age(s) Studied
18-25 (Young adult)
26-55 (Adult)
Outcome Category
School readiness
K-12 success
Post-secondary educational support
Aging in place
Obesity and food
Access to care
Disaster assistance provided
Veterans and military families served
Energy efficiency
At-risk ecosystems
Financial literacy
Published Year