Green Iowa AmeriCorps provided a direct service intervention engaged members to provide energy audits and retrofit services to low-income households 2-3 days per week over the course of an 11-month service term. The outcomes related to education and direct service intervention were the area of interest for the program's evaluation plan. Direct service activities related to energy audits and retrofits are connected to the program's selected national performance measures (EN1 and EN1.1) and is the largest direct service intervention carried out by the program. Education is the second largest intervention for the program and is tracked as an output only performance measure (EN3). The program's theory of change addresses the issue of high energy costs for low-income households through the intervention of direct service, education, volunteer engagement and member professional development.  

Research Questions

  1. On average, do households who participate in the enhanced treatment services provided by Green Iowa AmeriCorps members experience a larger decrease in their energy use as indicated by a reduction in their monthly utility bills than households who receive standard services?  
  2. On average, do households who participate in the standard treatment services provided by Green Iowa AmeriCorps members experience a larger decrease in their energy use as indicated by a reduction in their monthly utility bills than households who receive no services? 
  3. On average, do households who participate in the enhanced treatment services provided by Green Iowa AmeriCorps members experience a larger decrease in their energy use as indicated by a reduction in their monthly utility bills than households who receive no services?  


  1. How impacts vary, if at all, among groups receiving standard program treatment versus enhanced treatment versus no treatment 
  2. Use of new skills to implement additional energy efficient practices 
  3. Increase in knowledge of energy efficiency practices 

Further information

Green Iowa AmeriCorps
Implementing Organization
University of Northern Iowa
AmeriCorps Program(s)
AmeriCorps State and National
Age(s) Studied
26-55 (Adult)
Focus Population(s)/Community(s)
Outcome Category
Environmental Stewardship
Study Type(s)
Study Design(s)
Experimental (RCT)
Level of Evidence
Center for Program Evaluation, University of Nevada - Reno
Published Year
Study Site Location (State)