The AmeriCorps mission is to “improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic engagement through service and volunteering.” In addition to striving to improve communities and the lives of beneficiaries served through agency programs, AmeriCorps values the development of its service members and volunteers.
To investigate the characteristics and attitudes of AmeriCorps service participants, the Office of Research and Evaluation administers a survey. The AmeriCorps Member Exit Survey (AmeriCorps MES) captures outgoing members’ service experiences upon their exit from the program.
The AmeriCorps MES captures members’ experiences in three AmeriCorps programs: AmeriCorps State and National, AmeriCorps VISTA, and AmeriCorps NCCC. Since 2015, nearly 400,000 members have responded to this survey.
Highlights from AmeriCorps MES data are reflected in the newly published infographic, 'The AmeriCorps Member Experience'. This infographic summarizes the series of reports listed below covering topics related to civic engagement, bridging differences and satisfaction with members, and volunteer experiences based on responses from the AmeriCorps MES dataset.
Infographic: The AmeriCorps Member Experience (2023)
AmeriCorps MES Comparative Brief
AmeriCorps Member Exit Survey Dataset Story Map and Dashboard
Member Exit Survey Support Materials
AmeriCorps MES Fact Sheet: A one-pager answering what is in the data, why types of questions can this data answer, who might find this data useful, and where to go with questions.
AmeriCorps MES Survey Instrument Visual: A one-pager outlining the pathways and domains in the MES survey instrument.
Infographic: Step Forward, Where Adventure Meets Opportunity: This infographic highlights data from research covering both members and volunteer experiences.
Infographic: The AmeriCorps Member Experience (2016-2022): Infographic representing findings from the Member Exit Survey conducted for AmeriCorps members.
AmeriCorps Member Exit Survey Report Series
To better understand the experiences and impacts of AmeriCorps service, the Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE) investigates the characteristics and attitudes of AmeriCorps service participants at the conclusion of their service. Below are a series of AmeriCorps Member Exit Survey analysis reports that outline key findings that support the Infographic.
Bridging Differences through AmeriCorps Service: report focused on AmeriCorps members’ aptitude for cultural competency assessed from member exit surveys
Spotlight On Bridging Differences: one-pager focused on how AmeriCorps members bridge differences assessed from member exit surveys
AmeriCorps Fosters Civic Engagement: AmeriCorps Member Exit Survey Analysis 2017-2021: report focused on how AmeriCorps members see themselves in relation to civic engagement assessed from member exit surveys
Spotlight On Civic Engagement: one-pager focused on how AmeriCorps members demonstrate civic engagement assessed from member exit surveys
Post-Service Plans and Life and Career Skill Development of AmeriCorps Members Member Exit Survey Series 2017-2022: report focused on the attitudes of AmeriCorps’ members towards their life and career skills upon exiting their AmeriCorps programs.
Spotlight On Life and Career Skills: one-pager focused on the skills AmeriCorps members learn, use, and improve upon during their service terms
Empowering Change in National Service - Exploring Personal Growth, Initiative, and Self-Confidence: report providing an overview of the connections between AmeriCorps members' service and Getting Things Done pathway
Spotlight On Getting Things Done for America: one-pager focused on members' ability to self-start, go beyond what is required, and persevere in the face of challenges
Sustained Enthusiasm for National Service: Highlights from the AmeriCorps Member Exit Survey - 2019, 2021, 2023: report and companion brief exploring how AmeriCorps members responded to select questions of the AmeriCorps Member Exit Survey across five years