AmeriCorps*VISTA—Working to Provide Long-term Solutions to Poverty

AmeriCorps*VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) provides full-time members to nonprofit community-based and faith-based organizations, and public agencies to create and expand programs that bring low-income individuals and communities out of poverty.

AmeriCorps*VISTA members leverage human, financial, and material resources to increase the capacity of thousands of low-income areas across the country to address challenges and improve their lives and communities.  They leave behind lasting solutions to some of our country's toughest problems.

Since 1965, more than 140,000 Americans have served through VISTA. Today, nearly 6,000 AmeriCorps*VISTA members serve throughout the country—working to fight illiteracy, improve health services, create businesses, increase housing opportunities, bridge the digital divide, and strengthen the capacity of community organizations serving low-income communities.

AmeriCorps*VISTA members spend at least one year in full-time service addressing the needs of low-income communities. All projects focus on building permanent infrastructure in nonprofit organizations to help them more effectively bring individuals and communities out of poverty.

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