The Corporation for National and Community Service (the Corporation) announces the availability of approximately $500,000 which will be used to make one to five awards, ranging from approximately $50,000 to $300,000 to expand scholarly and policy research in three areas:
- Volunteering and civic engagement, using the Current Population Survey’s Annual Volunteer Supplement (CPS Volunteer Supplement);
- The impact of national service on service participants, using datasets from Serving Country and Community: A Longitudinal Study of Service in AmeriCorps; and
- Trends in the nonprofit sector that either impact or are created by national service.
The goal is to increase the Nation’s understanding and knowledge about the importance and potential of volunteering, national and community service, and/or civic engagement in America. Applicants should submit a three year plan with the knowledge that funding for years two and three of the agreement is contingent upon the availability of funds and the recipient’s satisfactory progress towards agreed-upon objectives.
Application Materials
- SF-424 (Application for Federal Assistance - Microsoft Word)
- SF-424A (Budget Information - Non Construction Programs - Microsoft Word)
- CNCS - Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunity for Applicants (Microsoft Word)
- 15 page narrative as described in the Notice of Funding Availability