NOTE:  Letters of intent are due April 1, 2008 at 5:00pm EDT

The Corporation for National and Community Service (the Corporation) provides grants to organizations to plan and carry out projects that bring Americans together to serve in their communities in observation of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Subject to availability of appropriations, a total of approximately $500,000 will be awarded to support 2009 King Day activities, ranging in amounts from approximately $50,000 to $300,000, to support the first year of these grants. These funds are subject to the availability of FY 2009 appropriations under the authority of section 198(s) of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 (42USC12653(9)), authorizing the Corporation to make grants to share the cost of planning and carrying out service opportunities in conjunction with the federal legal holiday honoring the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Grantees will be eligible for continuation funding in the second and third years contingent upon the availability of appropriations, compliance with requirements, and satisfactory performance.

The purpose of these grants is to mobilize more Americans to observe the Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Holiday as a day of service in communities, to encourage those who serve on this holiday to make a long-term commitment to community service, and to bring people together to focus on service to others. The Corporation is interested in multi-state, national (10 or more states) or comprehensive regional initiatives (multi-state regions – for example, the Corporation’s clusters). Activities must include projects that improve the lives of disadvantaged youth and engage them in providing service to others. Grantees must competitively subgrant a portion of the federal funds to eligible local organizations, and may also directly support local projects, to plan and carry out direct service activities on the 2009, 2010, and 2011 Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday weekends.

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