Summer of Service grants will support collaborative efforts to implement community-based service-learning projects during the summer months. Programs will engage middle school students (students who will be enrolled in grades 6 through 9 in the school year following the end of the summer) in community-based service-learning projects that are intensive, structured, supervised, and designed to produce identifiable improvements to the community. This opportunity should provide youth, particularly those from disadvantaged circumstances, with service-learning experiences that will motivate them to become more civically engaged and aspire to obtain higher education. Program participants must complete at least 100 hours of service within the summer program. For this competition, service activities should address environmental and/or disaster preparedness issues relevant to the community served.

Funding for 2010 is contingent upon appropriations, and is estimated to be $1,000,000 for approximately 5-7 grants.

Applications are due on December 10, 2009, 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Successful applicants will be notified by May 2010.

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