The Corporation is extending the deadline to apply for Summer of Service grants to October 17. We are taking this step because of a temporary reduction in contractor staff support for the eGrants Help Desk that limits our capacity to answer questions and help potential applicants. We are working to address these challenges as quickly as possible, but in the interim callers to the eGrants Help Desk may experience a delay. As we review this situation further, we may extend the deadline again or make other changes in the application process. We will provide notification well in advance of any such changes. Thank you for your patience.
The Corporation for National and Community Service (the Corporation) announces the availability of up to $900,000 for grants to support summer of service activities. Summer of service activities are defined as high quality, supervised, volunteer activities in multiple locations during the summer (out-of-school) months. The participants will be middle school youth (typically 10 to 14 years old) from disadvantaged circumstances in urban and rural areas. The purpose of this competition is to stimulate new or expanded service-learning opportunities in the summer programming of youth-serving organizations that already serve large numbers of youth from disadvantaged circumstances at multiple sites. Service learning opportunities are designed so that the youth meet unmet needs in their communities.