Resolution Honoring AmeriCorps Week 2010, H.Res. 1338
Floor Remarks for the Honorable Doris O. Matsui
Wednesday, May 12, 2010, Exact Time TBD
Time: Approx. 3 Minutes

M. Speaker, I rise today in support of House Resolution 1338, which recognizes the significant accomplishments of AmeriCorps Volunteers… and helps raise awareness about the importance of national and community service.

I would like to thank the Education and Labor Committee and especially Chairman Miller for their support of this legislation… the gentlelady from Nevada, Ms. Titus for her words… and my fellow co-chairs of the National Service Caucus… Representatives Vernon Ehlers… Todd Platts… and David Price for their partnership.

As a Co-Chair of the National Service Caucus, It Is a pleasure to call attention... to the tremendous work of those involved in service at every level.

We are now in the midst of national AmeriCorps Week… which is celebrated each year... to honor the important work that AmeriCorps volunteers provide to our communities.

At this time last year, the President had just recently signed the
Senator Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act... with strong bipartisan support in both the House and the Senate.

And we have since seen a tremendous increase in the number of AmeriCorps applications… and interest in service as a whole.

The bill answered the call for Americans of all generations… to help get the country through the recent economic crisis... by serving in their communities.

In times of strife... the American people have always shown a spirit of service and ingenuity.  And investments in service and volunteer programs... help to prepare us to handle unforeseen crises.

In my hometown of Sacramento, AmeriCorps National Civilian
Community Corps... or as we say NCCC… volunteers provide important benefits to our region.

For example, Sacramento-based NCCC members served thousands of hours… to help fight the fires that devastated the lives and livelihoods... of thousands of Californians… and in doing so… helped protect thousands more.

AmeriCorps NCCC members are disaster-trained... and available for immediate deployment In the event of a natural disaster… anywhere within the United States.

Through programs such as AmeriCorps State and National... Volunteers in Service to America (or VISTA)… and NCCC... service members address critical needs in our communities.

And we should continue to make national service more accessible to the millions of Americans… who want to serve their country… by contributing to their community.

M. Speaker, AmeriCorps Week offers us an opportunity… to honor the important work of AmeriCorps volunteers in our own districts...
and across the country.

I urge my colleagues to support this resolution... and take this opportunity to thank AmeriCorps volunteers for their dedication to improving our nation... one neighborhood at a time.

I yield back the balance of my time.