Dear Colleagues,

Today marks the beginning of the new fiscal year, and we want to provide an update on the status of the budget for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs.

Yesterday President Obama signed a continuing resolution that will fund the Corporation and other agencies across the federal government at the fiscal 2010 levels through December 3, 2010. The continuing resolution was needed to keep government programs operating after the official end of the fiscal year. Because we are operating under a continuing resolution and our ultimate funding level for the year is unknown, our spending authority is limited and must be used in a manner that balances agency priorities.

As you recall, the fiscal 2011 budget process began last February, when President Obama requested $1.416 billion for the Corporation and its programs – a $267 million increase over last year - to strengthen our nation's volunteer sector, foster innovation, and mobilize millions of Americans to solve critical problems through national service.

On July 29, the full Senate Appropriations Committee approved a spending bill that provides $1.366 billion, an increase of $215.9 million over last year but $51 million below the President’s request. On July 15, the House Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee completed a markup of a spending bill that included $1.305 billion, a $155 million increase over last year but $111 million short of the President's request.

We will continue to push for full funding of the President’s FY 2011 request. As social needs continue to mount, and as Americans look for ways to give back, national service is a critical, cost-effective investment that engages citizens in tackling our most serious challenges.

For details about the Corporation’s budget request, please visit the budget page of our website. We will keep you posted on further developments.

All the best,


Rhoda Glickman
Director of Government Relations
Corporation for National and Community Service