Washington, DC—The Corporation for National and Community Service has awarded planning grants to 14 organizations seeking to establish AmeriCorps programs. The grants, which total more than $660,000, will assist the organizations as they design new AmeriCorps programs in the areas of health, economic opportunity, education, clean energy, and veterans' issues.

The Corporation awards planning grants to innovative programs that expand service opportunities to individuals while building the organizations' capacity to respond to community challenges. Organizations eligible for the one-year grants are new awardees and have not received a national AmeriCorps grant in the past. Each grant will total no more than $50,000.

“These grants will help organizations design hard-hitting programs that will expand the impact of AmeriCorps, and engage more diverse groups in service that supports their communities,” said Patrick Corvington, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service.

More than 85,000 AmeriCorps members are working in communities across the country – connecting Americans to jobs, preventing foreclosures, and keeping kids in school. Developing more AmeriCorps programs will aid the Corporation in reaching its goal of expanding AmeriCorps to 250,000 members by 2017, as called for by the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, and grow the program's impact in new communities.

Below is a list of some of the programs that will be funded by the planning grants. Click here for a complete list of grantees.

  • Alliance for a Healthier Generation will collaborate with local youth serving organizations to understand the need for youth leadership to impact obesity and to implement sustainable healthy living programs for youth;
  • Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights will expand its English-language instruction services, with an overall goal of increasing the number of volunteers who serve as English-language tutors;
  • Nueva Esperanza, Inc will provide foreclosure counseling in Hispanic and minority communities; and
  • Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America will work to create a National AmeriCorps program to assist wounded National Guard and Reserve veterans returning to civilian life and their families. The organization will use the planning period to conduct a community needs assessment and work with community partners to build a structure to support veteran AmeriCorps members.