National Service Agency CEO and U.S. Secretaries Call on Fathers to Build a Legacy of Service

Washington DC –In a special Father’s Day video, Patrick Corvington, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, joined by four U.S. Secretaries, encourages fathers to celebrate the holiday by volunteering with their children to help others.

The video – featuring Corvington and Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki – is a touching tribute to the transformative power of volunteering on those who serve and the lives they touch. The officials recounted volunteering with their families and how it inspired their careers, and emphasized the importance of engaging young people in service.

Click here to watch the video, and read excerpts from the video below. The Administration officials recorded the video in support of the President’s national call to service – United We Serve – which challenges Americans to make a difference in their communities by volunteering.

Building a Family Legacy of Service.What my parents taught me, is how to take care of my community, how to make a difference in people’s lives. That’s what I want to pass on to my kids.” – CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, Patrick Corvington

How Do You Serve with Your Children? “We try to find a variety of ways to serve as a family … my wife and kids have a lot of fun with it and we just try to make it a normal part of growing up.” – Education Secretary Arne Duncan

What Values are Taught to Children Through Service? “I think the idea that we have to look after one another … that all things cannot be solved by a government program. … it’s going to take people in the community looking after one another.”- Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood

What is the Importance of Service? “I encourage all fathers to spend time teaching their children about the importance of service to others and their communities. These lessons sown early in life and cultivated throughout early development will help our children grow and contribute to a more caring and generous America. … take the time to demonstrate to our children that service to community and one’s fellow citizens has the power to change lives.” – Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki

Serving with My Father. “Well I had a great experience growing up where my father was actually involved in public life and public service. … I had the chance to go door-to-door with him, attend community meetings, to learn about how he could impact the community for the better by the work that he did. … that experience inspired me in my run for office.” – Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius