Find Your Next Passion Project. Volunteer with AmeriCorps.
We have thousands of volunteer roles for Americans 55+ that need your experience and compassion. Help children learn to read, deliver food and care to older neighbors, support families impacted by a natural disaster, and more, in your community.
Join a Community of Volunteers!
Join 170K+ older Americans who serve every year—some daily, weekly, monthly or on their own schedules.
Choose from three service programs: Senior Companion, Foster Grandparent and RSVP.
Stay safe while you serve with our robust safety protocols, in-person and virtual opportunities.
Have Questions about Our Programs or the Application Process?
Contact the AmeriCorps Hotline
Phone hours: Monday - Friday | 9am - 7pm ET
*For months Feb., March, April, Nov., and Dec. hotline is closed on Friday
You can also leave a message during non-business hours.