Faith leaders, faith-based organizations, and places of worship play a vital role in helping build strong, healthy, and caring communities. Across the country, faith-based organizations are out front, working to improve lives in communities.
Nearly 300 AmeriCorps members serve with Notre Dame Mission Volunteers each year to support education, literacy, after-school programs, job-readiness programs, and other community initiatives nationwide. AmeriCorps members serve as tutors, mentors, classroom assistants, and community supporters, walking alongside students, adult learners, and local partners striving to expand opportunities. Their service closes learning gaps and empowers communities, fostering connection. Together, AmeriCorps and NDMV strengthen communities and transform lives—because AmeriCorps works for America.
AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers build the capacity of faith-based organizations by recruiting, training, and supervising additional local volunteers. National service helps improve access to food pantries, literacy education, job readiness, addiction counseling, supportive aging-in-place programming, emergency housing for families, disaster recovery, and more.
"For nearly 30 years, AmeriCorps members serving with Notre Dame Mission Volunteers have carried forward the vision of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur: to bring education, opportunity, and hope to communities across the country,” said Ted Miles, Executive Director, Notre Dame Mission Volunteers. “Their service doesn’t just support individuals—it strengthens entire communities, sparking confidence and action to create lasting change."