The Reading Partners Effect: Influencing the academic and career pathways of Reading Partners AmeriCorps Alumni

Reading Partners placed AmeriCorps members in California schools to provide one-on-one literacy tutoring for economically disadvantaged students at locations in Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Silicon Valley. At the end of the first program year, the AmeriCorps members were responsible for measurably increasing the literacy skills of at least 1,471 high-need target students. In addition, the AmeriCorps members leveraged an additional 3,500 community volunteers who were engaged in individualized reading tutoring through the model.

Napa County Office of Education: CalSERVES - AmeriCorps Impact Evaluation 2020

The CalSERVES AmeriCorps program is designed to improve academic achievement, resiliency, and school engagement for underserved students. The program provides students in elementary and middle school with individual and small-group tutoring and mentoring sessions during and after school, promoting improved fluency and mastery in math and literacy skills. Students receive 30 minutes of tutoring four days a week, as well as 90 minutes of mentoring per week.

Friends of the Children: Social Innovation Fund (SIF) Program Evaluation Final Report

Friends of the Children (FOTC) is a Portland, Oregon-based international nonprofit that strives to close the opportunity gap and break the cycle of intergenerational poverty for young people ages 5 - 18+. FOTC targets children facing barriers like systemic poverty, structural racism, childhood trauma, foster care, underfunded schools, and homelessness and matches them with Friends (paid professional mentors).

Scaling Evidence-Based Interventions: Insights from the Experiences of Three Grantees

In 2016, CNCS and Mathematica conducted the Scaling Evidence-Based Models (SEBM) project to deepen the agency’s understanding of the most effective program innovations and its knowledge base on scaling them.
Using a scaling framework as a guide, Mathematica conducted a process study of three CNCS-funded grantees and their partners to learn:
  • How they scaled their interventions
  • What factors facilitated or hindered scaling
  • The conditions required for successful scaling

Scaling the Birth and Beyond (B&B) Intervention: Insights from the Experiences of the Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC)

This case study describes the scaling of Birth and Beyond (B&B), a parenting education and support intervention designed to reduce child maltreatment, by the Child Abuse Prevention Council of Sacramento (CAPC) and its partners. A countywide collaborative network of partners (called the Collaborative) developed B&B in 1998 to address child abuse and neglect in Sacramento County.