Building Bridges and Fostering Civic Engagement Through AmeriCorps Partnerships

Submitted by dsong on

Emboldened by President Biden’s call for a new era of national service that bridges divides, AmeriCorps continues to advance efforts that fuel social cohesion. AmeriCorps participated in the United We Stand Summit a year ago, expressing our deepest resolve to unify America through service. A year later, as we celebrate AmeriCorps’ 30th anniversary, we continue to learn from programs, bring new learning resources to the table, and highlight the variety of approaches that help bridge divides.

30th Anniversary: The AmeriCorps Movement

Submitted by dsong on

It’s been 30 years since AmeriCorps was created, and we celebrated in style. From Hollywood actors to political figures and grassroots activists, the entire nation came together in September 2023 to recognize the importance of national service in our country. The landmark event featured speeches from President Bill Clinton and Secretary Hillary Clinton to actor Jay Ellis, The King Center CEO Bernice A. King, and Senator Chris Coons, among others.

AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps Seniors COVID-19 Response

Submitted by kaparker on

In spite of the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, national service  programs continue to respond to the needs of their communities in innovative and timely ways.

Since the beginning of the public health crisis, more than 21,400 AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers have responded to the pandemic through direct service initiatives. Collectively, these  members and volunteers have: