AmeriCorps Seniors is composed of three programs: the Foster Grandparent Program (FGP), the Senior Companion Program (SCP), and the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). Throughout the United States, FGP engages volunteers age 55 and over to serve in communities as role models, mentors, and friends to children. SCP engages volunteers to provide assistance and companionship primarily to elderly individuals—and also to people with disabilities—who have difficulty with daily living tasks.

Study Goals

The goal of the study was to explore and quantify the return on investment (ROI) of the FGP and SCP AmeriCorps Seniors programs.

Research Questions

The research questions include:

  • What are the benefits of the AmeriCorps Seniors FGP and SCP programs to participants, volunteers, caregivers, private insurance companies, other healthcare payers, and the federal government?
  • What were the program costs for FY18 (October 1, 2017 – September 30, 2018)?
  • What is the ROI as measured by total benefits per dollar, total benefits per funder dollar, and federal government benefits per federal dollar?


The study found the following:

  • This study estimates that the AmeriCorps Seniors Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) and Senior Companion Program (SCP) generate an ROI of $3.50 per funder dollar. FGP alone has an ROI of $2.75 per funder dollar, while SCP has an ROI of $5.08 per funder dollar.
  • FGP & SCP contributed to the significant savings in healthcare expenditures and assisted living expenditure savings from their improvement in health outcomes of participants, volunteers, and caregivers.

Want to learn more about the methodology behind the FGP and SCP AmeriCorps Seniors ROI analysis report, and additional program findings? Read the:

Full Report

Report Brief


Return on Investment (ROI) Studies

AmeriCorps and its grantees have invested significant resources in evaluating different agency programs and supported program models designed to improve a range of outcomes for national service members and volunteers, children, families, organizations, and communities across America. AmeriCorps has commissioned ICF International to conduct ROI analyses to help measure the program performance and build the base of evidence for future resource allocation decisions. In addition, each ROI study helps AmeriCorps communicate the value of its programs to relevant stakeholders. The ROI Studies Project will produce 16 ROI assessments from FY20 to FY23. 


Full report

Further information

ROI: Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion Programs (AmeriCorps Seniors)
Implementing Organization
AmeriCorps Office of Research and Evaluation Commissioned Report
AmeriCorps Program(s)
AmeriCorps Seniors
Age(s) Studied
55+ (Older adult)
Focus Population(s)/Community(s)
Outcome Category
Aging in place
Benefit to national service members/volunteers
Nonprofit development
Improving AmeriCorps
Study Type(s)
Cost-benefit or Cost Effectiveness Study
Study Design(s)
Quasi-experimental (QED)
ICF International
Published Year