AmeriCorps and its grantees have invested significant resources in evaluating different agency programs and supported program models designed to improve a range of outcomes for national service members and volunteers, children, families, organizations, and communities across America. AmeriCorps has commissioned an independent expert, ICF International, to conduct ROI analyses to help measure program performance and build the base of evidence for future resource allocation decisions. Each ROI study helps AmeriCorps communicate the value of its programs to relevant stakeholders. The ROI Studies Project has produced 16 ROI assessments from FY20 to FY23.  

For an overview of insights from the ROI assessments, AmeriCorps has developed the ROI Studies Fact Sheet. Click to view highlights from the ROI assessments.

View the Factsheet

The ROI studies evaluated the cost and benefits of each of the following programs:

Disaster Services

  • SBP AmeriCorps: This study shows the program produces strong returns for the medium- and long-term scenarios when benefits to AmeriCorps members, program participants, and state/local governments are included.

Economic Opportunity


  • Community Technology Empowerment Project (CTEP): This study estimates CTEP’s ROI to be between $2.95 and $34.26 per funder dollar, depending on how long program participants and AmeriCorps members experience increased earnings as a result of CTEP.
  • Green City Force: This study estimates the Green City Force program’s ROI to be between $0.69 and $7.60, depending on how long AmeriCorps members experience increased earnings as a result of the program.
  • Habitat for Humanity: This study estimated HFH AmeriCorps’s ROI to be between $0.62 to $2.61 per funder dollar, depending on how long HFH AmeriCorps members experience increased earnings from their national service.
  • YouthBuild AmeriCorps: This study estimates YouthBuild AmeriCorps’s ROI to be between -$0.40 and $9.58 per funder dollar, depending on how long YouthBuild AmeriCorps participants experience increased earnings from serving and participating in YouthBuild AmeriCorps.
  • Homes for All: This study estimated the HHCK Homes for All program’s ROI to be between $3.14 and $8.68 per funder dollar, depending on how long individuals served by Homes for All and AmeriCorps members experience increased earnings as a result of the program.




  • Breakthrough Central Texas’s Austin Program: This study estimates the Breakthrough Central Texas’s Austin program’s ROI to be between $0.03 and $10.22 per funder dollar, depending on length of program participation and level of increased earnings after AmeriCorps service.
  • College Possible’s College Access Program: This study estimates College Possible’s ROI to be between $1.50 and $6.41 per funder dollar, depending on how long program participants and AmeriCorps members experience increased earnings due to College Possible’s College Access program. The return on each dollar of federal.
  • Colorado Home Instruction for Parent of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY): This study estimates the HIPPY program’s ROI to be between $0.12 and $6.77, depending on how long AmeriCorps members experience increased earnings as a result of the program.
  • Minnesota Reading Corps - Kindergarten (MRC): This study estimates MRC Kindergarten’s ROI to be between $5.47 and $6.99 per funded dollar, depending on how long program participants and AmeriCorps members experience increased earnings as a result of MRC Kindergarten.
  • Minnesota Alliance with Youth AmeriCorps Promise Fellow Program: The ROI analysis estimated the Promise Fellow program’s ROI to be between $0.11  and $3.60 per funder dollar, depending on how long student participants and AmeriCorps members experience increased earnings as a result of the program.  

Environmental Stewardship

Environmental Stewardship ROI One-Pager

  • Montana Conservation Corps: This study estimates the Montana Conservation Corps program’s ROI to be between $0.66 and $126.05, depending on a) how long AmeriCorps members experience increased earnings as a result of the program and b) whether low, average, or high estimates of ecosystem benefits to society are used.
  • Nevada Conservation Corps: This study shows the program produces strong returns for the medium- and long-term scenarios when benefits to AmeriCorps members, program participants, and state/local governments are included.
  • Washington Conservation Corps: This study estimated Washington Conservation Corps’ ROI to be between $0.20 and $33.90 per funder dollar, depending on how long WCC AmeriCorps members experience increased earnings as a result of program participation, as well as the range of estimated benefits from improved ecosystems.
  • Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps: The program produces strong returns for the medium- and long-term scenarios when benefits to AmeriCorps members, program participants, and state/local governments are included. 
  • National Civilian Community Corps Weatherization Projects: The program produces strong returns for the medium- and long-term scenarios for the total benefits per federal dollar. 

Healthy Futures


  • AmeriCorps Senior: Foster Grandparents/Senior Companion: This study estimates that the AmeriCorps Seniors Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) and Senior Companion Program (SCP) generate an ROI of $3.50 per funder dollar. FGP alone has an ROI of $2.75 per funder dollar, while SCP has an ROI of $5.08 per funder dollar.
  • AmeriCorps Urban Safety Program Detroit (AMUS): This study estimates the AMUS program’s ROI to be between $1.63 and $3.07, depending on how long AmeriCorps members experience increased earnings as a result of the program.
  • Birth & Beyond Home Visitation Program: This study estimated the Home Visitation program’s ROI to be between $0.50 and $2.11 per funder dollar, depending on how long program participants and AmeriCorps members experience increased earnings as a result of the program.

Veteran and Military Families

Full report

Further information

Implementing Organization
AmeriCorps Office of Research and Evaluation Commissioned Report
AmeriCorps Program(s)
AmeriCorps State and National
Social Innovation Fund
Study Type(s)
Cost-benefit or Cost Effectiveness Study
ICF International
Published Year