Funding supports 15 grants to State Service Commissions boosting the impact of volunteers to tackle local issues

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), the federal agency that administers AmeriCorps and leads the nation’s volunteering initiatives, today announced more than $3.7 in Volunteer Generation Fund (VGF) grants to 15 state service commissions. These Governor-appointed State Service Commissions awarded represent the states of Arizona, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Florida, New Hampshire, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C.

“As the federal agency for volunteering and service, we are always seeking innovative ways to strengthen America’s volunteer sector and engage more Americans in service,” said Chester Spellman, director of AmeriCorps. “Through the Volunteer Generation Fund, these state commissions will advance volunteer efforts in their state and ensure volunteers have the opportunity and support to respond to pressing local issues.”   

These grants will allow State Commissions to better support local organizations efforts in recruiting, managing, and retaining volunteers, expand opportunity for those who serve, and grow volunteer programs that address critical community needs. These State Commissions may also use their award to make subgrants to local organizations, supporting the goals of the VGF. A complete list of those awarded can be found here.

Furthering the mission of CNCS, the VGF is designed to grow the nation's volunteer pool and create a sustainable infrastructure of volunteer organizations to increase the impact of volunteers. In 2016, State Commissions reported that more than 254,000 volunteers were leveraged and served more than 3.4 million hours with the support of VGF grants.