President’s Volunteer Service Award
America has a long and proud tradition of volunteer service. The President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizes the valuable contributions volunteers make in our communities and encourages more people to serve. The award honors this American tradition and thanks those who inspire others to engage in volunteer service by demonstrated commitment and example.
The award recognizes individuals, families, and groups who achieve a certain number of service hours within a 12-month period. The award also can be given for cumulative hours earned over the course of a lifetime. A special President's Call to Service Award recognizes the lifetimes achievement of those who complete more than 4,000 hours of service throughout their lifetime.
AmeriCorps CEO Presents the President’s Volunteer Service Award to The George Washington University Students

Harris Wofford Joint Service Award
In honor of Harris Wofford, whose contributions helped establish the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps programs, our agencies recognize individuals who have successfully completed both a full-time service term or its equivalent in AmeriCorps and the Peace Corps or Peace Corps Response. The Harris Wofford Joint Service Award, established in November 2020, recognizes and honors individuals who have served in both programs since their respective inception in service to our country.
To earn this award, you must have completed service in AmeriCorps and Peace Corps or Peace Corps Response and completed the application form on this page.