SIF Classic National Assessment - Issue Briefs

The Issue Briefs are part of the National Assessment of the SIF Classic Program commissioned by AmeriCorps (formerly the Corporation for National and Community Service) and conducted by ICF International.  The assessment focused on SIF Classic grantees’ adoption of evidence-based grantmaking strategies, ability, and willingness to build the evidence base for the service models they support, to scale the service models, and to use collaborative approaches to address local community needs.

Making the Most of Data

This guide will help practitioners maximize the use of their intervention data to help their organizations improve program implementation and provide evidence to funders about effectiveness. This is part of a series of guides that help practitioners assess their scaling efforts critically, collect evidence on the effectiveness of their interventions, and increase the likelihood of effective scaling of successful interventions.

Return on Investment (ROI) Studies

AmeriCorps and its grantees have invested significant resources in evaluating different agency programs and supported program models designed to improve a range of outcomes for national service members and volunteers, children, families, organizations, and communities across America. AmeriCorps has commissioned an independent expert, ICF International, to conduct ROI analyses to help measure program performance and build the base of evidence for future resource allocation decisions. Each ROI study helps AmeriCorps communicate the value of its programs to relevant stakeholders.

Return on Investment Study: AmeriCorps Seniors Foster Grandparent Program and Senior Companion Program

AmeriCorps Seniors is composed of three programs: the Foster Grandparent Program (FGP), the Senior Companion Program (SCP), and the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). Throughout the United States, FGP engages volunteers age 55 and over to serve in communities as role models, mentors, and friends to children. SCP engages volunteers to provide assistance and companionship primarily to elderly individuals—and also to people with disabilities—who have difficulty with daily living tasks.

Return on Investment Study: College Possible’s College Access Program

College Possible is a college readiness nonprofit organization that supports and coaches low-income students in college preparation and success. College Possible has seven offices that provide services in the following metropolitan areas: Portland, OR; Philadelphia, PA; Chicago, IL; Milwaukee, WI; Omaha, NE; and Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN. The College Access Program under College Possible focuses on high school juniors and seniors, offering after-school coaching sessions with AmeriCorps member coaches.

Return on Investment Study: Community Technology Empowerment Project

The Community Technology Empowerment Project (CTEP) helps increase work-readiness skills among new immigrants and members of low-income communities in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Area. The program provides participants with the latest technology skills to help them gain sustainable employment and improve their civic, educational, and social opportunities. AmeriCorps members provide CTEP participants one-on-one mentoring and training to improve their digital skills and technology literacy.