GOALS: Exploring United Way for Southeastern Michigan's Program for Supporting Children and Families from the Bib to the Backpack

The GOALS (Gain Opportunities to Achieve Lasting Success) program model is a strengths-based, family-centered intervention that motivates parents to use effective parenting practices in support of child competence. Focused on low-income families in Detroit, MI, GOALS was nested in a multi-agency integrated service delivery model.

Scaling an Intervention: Recommendations and Resources

AmeriCorps developed this guide to disseminate the knowledge gained from the Scaling Evidence-Based Models (SEBM) project. The guide provides practical recommendations for how funders, including governmental agencies and philanthropic organizations, should think about and plan for scaling. This guide also highlights:

  • How funders might better understand evidence of intervention effectiveness and readiness for organization and intervention scaling by undertaking a systematic process to assess scaling readiness of the interventions they fund. 

Scaling Checklists: Assessing Your Level of Evidence and Readiness (SCALER)

This guide describes a framework that identifies how organizations can improve both their readiness to scale an intervention and the intervention’s readiness to be scaled. This helps to position the intervention services to improve outcomes for a larger number of participants. Each checklist in the SCALER provides summary scores to reflect how ready an intervention and organization might be for scaling.

Planned Scaling Activities of AmeriCorps-Funded Organizations

This report is designed to deepen the agency’s understanding of the most effective interventions it has funded, and its knowledge base on scaling them. The project is also designed to generate both practical knowledge about how AmeriCorps and other funders can successfully scale effective interventions. 

The goal of this report is to examine the extent to which organizations describe the intervention and organizational factors that are important for being ready to scale an intervention with evidence of effectiveness.