Administration officials join volunteers across nation in remembering 9/11 by serving others


Washington D.C. – On September 11, more than a dozen Cabinet secretaries and senior administration officials will commemorate the heroism of those who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001, and remember their spirit of sacrifice by engaging in service and volunteerism as part of the first officially recognized September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance.

The first class of AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) members to serve at the Vicksburg, Miss., campus will be inducted on September 1, 2009. These 160 Corps Members arrived at the campus for training early in August. Once they take the AmeriCorps pledge during induction ceremonies, they will begin a term of service starting with two months of projects throughout the Magnolia State. In addition to the induction ceremony, several other activities are planned to celebrate the opening of the fifth NCCC campus.

4 Day Service Project Around Katrina 4th Anniversary is Part of the President's United We Serve Initiative

Washington, D.C. -- Alan Solomont, Board Chair of the Corporation for National and Community Service, made the following statement on the passing of Senator Edward M. Kennedy:

“Senator Kennedy’s death is a monumental loss to the national service movement as well as to the country. There was simply no one else like him.

INDIANAPOLIS, IN. – The American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) launched today a national service project aimed at building volunteer capacity to alleviate poverty among veterans, military service members, and their families. The ALA announced the initiative, the American Legion Auxiliary Call to Service Corps VISTA Project, at its annual convention in Louisville, Kentucky, and as a component of the ALA's observance of Safety and Security Week within President Obama's United We Serve national service initiative.

Spotlight on Volunteers Rebuilding After Katrina and Supporting Veterans and Military Families

Washington D.C. - This week President Obama's United We Serve initiative will spotlight the key role that volunteers play in supporting veterans and military families and in helping communities prepare for and recover from disasters as part of Safety and Security Week.

Washington DC – The Corporation for National and Community Service today announced grants to eight organizations to engage 553 new AmeriCorps members in improving lives and strengthening communities.

The members supported by these grants will teach and tutor at-risk youth, construct homes, promote health in rural and immigrant communities, expand parental involvement in schools, provide elder services, and mobilize and manage other volunteers.

Initiative Highlights Millions of Americans Working Every Day to Improve Health Care

Washington, DC—The United We Serve initiative is highlighting the efforts of Americans who volunteer to promote healthy living and expand access to health services across the nation during Health Week, August 10-16. In conjunction with National Community Health Center Week, United We Serve will focus special attention on grassroots health programs addressing community needs.

Dear Colleagues,

It’s been ten days since the release of the new My AmeriCorps, and I thought you might appreciate a brief update on the status of the system. I would like to extend a special thanks to those who worked directly on the My AmeriCorps project, and everyone who depends on it, for your patience throughout this process.

Traffic through the system has been impressive, particularly just after launch. This chart shows a user breakdown over the first four days:

Dear Colleagues:

Earlier today President Obama announced his intent to nominate the Corporation’s Board Chair Alan Solomont to serve as the United States Ambassador to Spain and Andorra.