The Corporation for National and Community Service hosted a national briefing call on October 15, 2009 to provide an update on the status of the Social Innovation Fund and answer questions from the field. The call was led by the following representatives of CNCS: Nicky Goren, Acting CEO; Bob Grimm, Director of Research and Policy Development and Senior Advisor to the CEO; and Marta Urquilla, Senior Advisor for Social Innovation. It was attended by over 650 representatives of public, private, and nonprofit organizations.

Freedom Tower
Miami, Florida

12:52 P.M. EDT

MRS. OBAMA: Thank you everyone. Please, please, have a seat. Thank you so much. Congressman Boyd, I want to thank you for that very kind introduction. And thank you for your outstanding leadership in Washington on behalf of Florida's families, and for your proud support of Florida Campus Compact and the cause of service –- here in this state and across the country. We are very proud of you. And let's give Congressman Boyd a round of applause. (Applause.)

Washington, DC—Stephen Goldsmith, Interim Chairman of the Board of the Corporation for National and Community Service, will participate in the Service Leaders Roundtable tomorrow at Texas A&M, College Station. The roundtable discussion is part of the “Presidential Forum on Service” hosted by President Barack Obama, President George H.W. Bush, and the Points of Light Institute, and will be held at 12:30 p.m. on campus at the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center.


By Nicola Goren

Speaking before a group of nonprofit and philanthropic leaders on June 30th, President Obama stated that:

Speaking before a group of nonprofit and philanthropic leaders on June 30th, President Obama stated that:

Washington, DC – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intention to nominate Patrick Corvington to be the Chief Executive Officer for the Corporation for National and Community Service.

Dear National Service Colleagues,

Today marks the beginning of a new federal fiscal year, and I want to update you on recent actions on the Corporation’s budget.

Earlier today, President Obama signed a continuing resolution which will fund federal agencies and programs at Fiscal 2009 levels through October 31. The continuing resolution, which was attached to the legislative branch appropriations bill, was needed to keep government programs operating after the official end of the fiscal year.

Dear Colleagues,

The Corporation continues to be highly focused on implementing the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, and we want to highlight some recent activities since our last update in July.

- As prepared for delivery -

Thank you for that kind introduction, and good morning everyone. I’d particularly like to thank Chairwoman Barbara Lee for her leadership, along with the rest of the members of the Congressional Black Caucus, and the foundation, for all your work in pursuit of a more perfect union.

It’s an honor to be here today, and I’m very excited by your Pathways Out of Poverty agenda, because I believe national service has an important role to play.



Through the twisted steel of the twin towers of the World Trade Center, the scarred walls of the Pentagon, and the smoky wreckage in a field in southwest Pennsylvania, the patriotism and resiliency of the American people shone brightly on September 11, 2001. We stood as one people, united in our common humanity and shared sorrow. We grieved for those who perished and remembered what brought us together as Americans.