Dear National Service Colleagues:

Earlier today, the President released his budget request for fiscal year 2009, including $829.7 million for the Corporation and its programs.

Dear National Service Colleagues:

As promised, here are the numbers reported out by the Senate Appropriations Committee in the Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations bill for fiscal year 2009. The bill provides $888,462,000 for the Corporation and its programs. The numbers break down as follows:

Dear National Service Colleagues:

I wanted to update you on recent activity by House and Senate Appropriators on FY 2009 funding for Corporation programs.

The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Education held its markup on June 19. This morning, the full Appropriations Committee began its consideration of the bill, but did not complete final action. The Committee will take up the bill after the July 4th recess.