Notice of Increased Grantee Micro-Purchase and Simplified Acquisition Thresholds

Submitted by Labulter on

On June 20, 2018, the US Office of Management and Budget announced changes that raised the threshold for micro-purchases to $10,000, and the threshold for simplified acquisitions to $250,000 for all current recipients of Federal financial assistance awards through grants and cooperative agreements (grantees).

Welcome to Grants and Financial Management Bulletins

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You Have Been Added to Grants and Financial Management Bulletins

Dear Grantee Representative:

Because you are identified as an Authorized Representative or the Project Director on a 2018 grant application approved by the Corporation for National and Community Service, your email address has been subscribed to our Grants and Financial Management Bulletins.  If you are already subscribed, please ignore this message.

New Requirement Alert: Affirm Representations and Certifications in

Submitted by Labulter on

The purpose of this bulletin is to alert CNCS grantees and prospective CNCS grant applicants to a new feature in the System on Award Management website (  The new feature requires your acknowledgement of and agreement with government-wide representations and certifications.

Annual Reminder: Grantees Accountable to Upload Sub-grant Data

Submitted by Labulter on

CNCS grantees are required to report their subawards (subgrants) over $25,000 using www.FSRS.govReporting is due by the end of the month, following the award of each subgrant.  Please ensure that your reporting is complete and current. If you need technical assistance uploading subgrant records, you will find help desk resources at Questions on compliance with this requirement should be directed to your grants officer.