Washington, D.C. – Employees of Corporation for National and Community Service were recognized with two prestigious national awards this week for working with communities to prepare for and respond to natural disasters.

America endured great trials and heralded defining triumphs over the course of the 20th century, and the men and women who saw us through that time remain among our Nation's greatest assets. Through their guiding wisdom, enduring love of family, and inspiring commitment to country, older Americans continue to steer and enhance our national life.

Our Nation has been profoundly shaped by ordinary Americans who have volunteered their time and energy to overcome extraordinary challenges. From the American Revolution and the Seneca Falls Convention to the everyday acts of compassion and purpose that move millions to make change in their communities, our Nation has always been at its best when individuals have come together to realize a common vision.

CNCS, Points of Light Announce Partnership with National Forum on Youth Violence

Washington, D.C. -- Today, the Corporation for National and Community Service, in collaboration with Points of Light, announced the expansion of an AmeriCorps VISTA project to support the efforts of the National Forum on Youth Violence to promote pathways to opportunity for at-risk youth, while working to eliminate youth violence.

A Message from Acting CEO, Robert Velasco: 

Today President Obama is sending his Fiscal Year 2013 budget request to Congress, including proposed funding for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs. You can read the complete budget request now on our budget page.

Missouri House Resolution No. 244


Whereas, AmeriCorps volunteers have been indispensable to the recovery efforts in Joplin and Duquesne, Missouri, following the tornado that killed 161 residents and destroyed over 7,000 homes, churches, schools and businesses; and

WASHINGTON D.C.- National youth mentoring organizations, Administration officials, civic leaders, corporate executives and the country's foremost mentoring researchers will join together in Washington next week at the second annual National Mentoring Summit to promote a pathway for ensuring our nation's youth receive quality mentoring and guidance that will enable them to have a promising future.


Washington, D.C. – For a growing number of U.S. companies, the MLK Day of Service is an opportunity to invest money, supplies, and employee time to make a difference in their communities and honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King.

On a hot summer day nearly half a century ago, an African American preacher with no official title or rank gave voice to our Nation's deepest aspirations, sharing his dream of an America that ensured the true equality of all our people. From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. inspired a movement that would push our country toward a more perfect Union.