WASHINGTON, D.C. – In honor of AmeriCorps Week, Wendy Spencer, the chief executive officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), will join Governor Jack Markell, Senator Chris Coons, Senator Tom Carper, and Mayor Dennis Williams to announce two new AmeriCorps projects to support veterans and military families across Delaware.


AmeriCorps members tutor millions of students, help veterans and military families, and rebuild communities hit by disaster

Washington, D.C. – This week, thousands of Americans will mark the seventh annual AmeriCorps Week, recognizing how AmeriCorps members, alumni, and programs are addressing our country’s most pressing challenges through service.

DENVER – Nearly 200 young adults from across the nation will be sworn in as members of FEMA Corps at an induction ceremony tomorrow, providing a boost to the nation’s ability to assist disaster survivors while expanding career opportunities for young people. This is the first class of FEMA Corps members to be trained in and based out of Denver.


AmeriCorps and FEMA Partnership Expands Nation’s Disaster Response Capacity

Sacramento, Calif.– Nearly two hundred young adults from across the nation will be sworn in as members of FEMA Corps at an induction ceremony in Sacramento today, providing a boost to the nation’s ability to assist disaster survivors while expanding career opportunities for young people.


205 organizations receive Senior Corps grants through competitive process

WASHINGTON, DC – The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) today announced more than $14 million in funding to support organizations and nonprofits across the country. The organizations will leverage the experience and talents of RSVP Senior Corps volunteers in schools, conservation projects, disaster response, veterans' services, and other priorities.


Out of 6,000 submissions, 18 Americans Awarded Civilian Honor

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Obama today awarded Harris Wofford, a champion for national service and volunteerism, the Presidential Citizens Medal, the nation’s second-highest civilian honor.

As part of 'Service Bowl,' winning mayor to host community service project with AmeriCorps members and local volunteers
WASHINGTON, D.C.  – As the Baltimore Ravens and San Francisco 49ers prepare to face off in Sunday’s Super Bowl, the mayors from the two cities have come up with a friendly wager that focuses on the importance of volunteering and community service.
Mayor Edwin M.

More than 90 mayors already signed on to recognize impact of national service

(Washington DC.) – Mayors across the country will participate in a national day of recognition this April 9 to highlight the impact of national service in their cities and thank individuals who serve, Philadelphia Mayor Michael A. Nutter, President of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, announced today at the group's annual winter meeting.

AmeriCorps members board planes en route to New Jersey and New York, where they help will rebuild homes and operate volunteer centers


BALTIMORE, Md. – Civic leaders, elected officials, and community groups joined together to dedicate the new AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) Atlantic Region Campus at the former Sacred Heart of Mary School in Baltimore.