WASHINGTON, D.C. – Wendy Spencer, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), the federal agency for volunteering and service, will join Rep. Jon Runyan to announce the agency’s long-term support for Hurricane Sandy affected areas of New Jersey.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, CNCS and its AmeriCorps program joined a nation in responding to the region. More than 1,000 AmeriCorps members have been deployed to New Jersey, leveraging more than 8 200 volunteers. Together, they’ve mucked and gutted nearly 1,500 homes to date.


20 Million Seniors Volunteering Nearly 3 Billion Hours – a Value of $67 Billion; Senior Corps Week – May 6–10 – Showcases Impact of Older Volunteers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – According to new data released today by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), senior volunteering is at a 10-year high – one in three volunteers is a senior age 55 and older. These men and women tap a lifetime of experience to help those in greatest need. More than 20 million senior volunteers gave nearly 3 billion hours of service, at a value of $67 billion.

“Call to Action: VA Outreach and Community Partnerships”
April 24, 2013

Good morning, Chairman Sanders, Ranking Member Burr, and Members of the Committee. Thank you for the opportunity to testify today. I would like to first thank each of you for entrusting me with the honor of serving as CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, or CNCS.

"Call to Action: VA Outreach and Community Partnerships”
April 24, 2013

Chairman Sanders, Ranking Member Burr, and Members of the Committee: Thank you for the opportunity to testify today.

Dear Colleagues,

Earlier today the President signed a continuing resolution to fund government agencies and programs through Dec. 21. The Congress and the President are continuing to negotiate on the remaining Fiscal Year 2008 spending bills, including the Labor-Health and Human Services-Education bill which provides funding for the Corporation and its programs.

Dear Colleagues,

Last night the House adopted the Conference Report on H.R. 3043, the Fiscal 2008 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations bill that includes $873,929,000 for the Corporation and its programs. The bill is on its way to the President, who has indicated he will veto it.

Also last night, the House and Senate approved the Conference Report on the Defense Appropriations bill that includes a Continuing Resolution to keep government agencies and programs funded until December 14. The President is expected to sign this bill.

Dear Colleagues,

Last night the House passed the conference report on H.R. 3403, the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill for Fiscal 2008. The bill recommends $873,929,000 for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs. The numbers break down as follows:

Dear Colleagues,

Yesterday the House Ways and Means Committee reported out by voice vote a legislative change that will make AmeriCorps more welcoming to people with disabilities.

Dear Colleagues:

Last night House and Senate conferees filed the conference report on H.R. 3043, the Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations bill for Fiscal 2008. The conference bill recommends $873.9 million for the Corporation and its programs. The House is scheduled to take up the bill today, and the Senate will follow quickly after.